Listen to my weekly podcast The Scriptorium
--Contact me about speaking at your church, conference, or event--
--Listen to Bond on Sermon Audio--
June 18-28, Martin & Katie 500th Anniversary Reformation Tour of Germany and Prague--register today!
June 8-15, OXFORD CREATIVE WRITING MASTER CLASS--open registration
April 10-17, Beacon Hill Academy senior tour of Italy (not open to the public, but I am available to organize and lead a variety of school tours. Contact me here for more information).
April 1-8, OXFORD CREATIVE WRITING MASTER CLASS--open registration
February 23-March 8, Alaska Classical School senior tour of Italy and Greece (not open to the public, but I am available to organize and lead a variety of school tours. Contact me here for more information).
November 1--All Saints' Day, Reformation Evening at Lynden American Reformed Church, 7:00 pm, featuring pre-Reformers from Bohemia; signed books available, plus Q&A. It'll be a grand time! All are welcome! Lynden, WA
October 17-24, OXFORD CREATIVE WRITING MASTER CLASS, first-time ever Fall class/tour. Register right away before the class/tour is full.
August 19-20, YOUNG WRITERS WORKSHOP webinar, "Young Writers Can Change the World." with SD Smith, Brett Harris, Amanda Barratt, and other authors.
July 7, exortation on Luke 18, The Rich Young Ruler at Southside Baptisit Church
June 18 GENERATIONS live Webinar on reading and writing with biblically informed discernment (archived) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UT75-HltqQ
May 31 - June 1, 2024, AHEA key note speaker at Alberta homeschool conference;
March 21-27, Beacon Hill Academy Senior Capstone Tour, Rome to
Venice (not open to the public, but I am available to organize and lead a variety of school tours. Contact me here for more information.)
March 2, 2024; Birchman Baptist Church, Men's Conference,
Fort Worth, TX (Larry Randall organizing pastor)
November 14, LANCASTER PATRIOT PODCAST, Chris Hume author interview https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thelancasterpatriot/episodes/114--Douglas-Bond-and-the-Power-of-Stories-e2c7jj8
October 27, STREET APOLOGIST PODCAST, author interview with Vocab Malone https://www.youtube.com/live/2TI5l4X0YnI?si=L4KbyrSy2cm-BBXX
September 15, The Chicano Knox Podcast, author interview
August 25-27, Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church, Simpsonville, SC; Heroic Sons of Church History Conference at Ridge Haven Retreat Center, Blue Ridge Mountains, NC
June 30--July 7, 2023, Oxford Creative Writing Master Class, intensive writing experience and tutorial, a literary tour of middle England. Register today while space is still available.
June 17-27, 2023, ROME to GENEVA CHURCH HISTORY TOUR. You won't want to miss this tour from works to grace, set in some of the most magnificent places in Western Civilization. Learn more here. Register today while space is available.
April 8-15, Oxford Creative Writing Master Class; intensive writing experience, a literary tour of middle England. Register today but only one space available (male only, for sleeping arrangements). Register for the July OCWMC, but hurry before it fills up too
March 30-April 6, 2023, Beacon Hill Academy senior trip in Italy (a private group tour not open to the general public--contact me about organizing and leading your Christian school, or homeschool cooperative, or other group church history tour where it all happened)
February 15, WORLDVIEW WAR ROOM Podcast interview on themes from GOD SINGS! (And Ways We Think He Ought To), including hymn writing and recovering awe and reverance in our sung worship; air time to be announced.
February 16 (to be aired later) Homeschoolsummits.com The Big History Summit! My address/interview is entitled: Historical Sabatoge: The Attempt to Rewrite History and How to Respond.
February 24-26, Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church, Simpsonville, SC; Heroic Daughters of Church History Conference at Ridge Haven Retreat Center, Blue Ridge Mountains, NC
January 29 Five Solas Media Podcast--Interview on my book Luther in Love (link coming)
December 11, Advent retold in the hymns and carols commemorating the incarnation of the Son of God; singing and dinner at Sarahurst-Crawford House, our home in North Carolina
October 30, Reformation Lord's Day, the Reformation told in her Psalms and hymn; singing and dinner at Sarahurst-Crawford House, our home in North Carolina
October 8-10 Reformation Church History conference at Church of the Open Door, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas
September 26, Ink & Impact Podcast with Lasting Legacies and Dalene Bickel: Why all good writing must be creative writing.
September 19, Sons of Liberty Radio with Tim Brown: Calvin, Knox, Bunyan and true liberty in Christ who has made us free. Sonsoflibertymedia.com
August 26, South Carolina Sons of Liberty Radio interview with Tim Brown on the 20th anniversary of Duncan's War and the Crown & Covenant Trilogy. sonsoflibertymedia.com
June 18-28, Early Church in the British Isles Tour, Northern England, Scotland, Ireland--Glasgow to Dublin. Space still available but filling fast; contact me today.
June 9-16, OXFORD CREATIVE WRITING MASTER CLASS, Oxford, UK--filling rapidly and space is limited
Biblical Worldview Student Conference (BWSC) speaker in Johnson City, TN, May 30-June 3, 2022. Topics for the week to be announced.
May 15, Grace Gospel Fellowship, Montana, Lord's Day exhortation from the Word of God
Keynote speaker at MATCHE - Montanans Assembling Together for Christian Home Education - 2022 Bitterroot Christian Homeschool Conference on Friday and Saturday, May 13-14, 2022
Keynote speaker at AHEA conference, April 7-9, 2022 in Red Deer, Alberta
Mini conference in Alaska for classical Christian school. Book themes and writing workshop. Specifics to be announced.
Chapel at Heritage Christian School, University Place, WA March 23, 2022
October 2-14--Oxford Creative Writing Master Class(es) on location in Oxford. Space is very limited and registrations are already coming in. learn more at OCWMC.
January 24--Saint Andrew's Chapel, Sanford FL, Ligonier, speaking at retirement gala for Chief Musician Terry Yount
April 18--final episodes of the Luther: In Real Time (6-month weekly) podcast
April--Christian Heritage Homeschool Conference virtual addresses on John Knox and Isaac Watts
October 31 Reformation Day! Interview on All The Things podcast with Krista Bontrager and Monique Duson--live! allthethingsshow.com
October 22 Interview on Revived Thoughts podcast with my friend and producer Barry Cooper, about the newest Ligonier podcast, LUTHER: In Real Time
for which I am scriptwriter. The podcast traces Luther from October 10 to April 18, 1521; we follow Luther week-by-week to his intrepid stand before the Holy Roman Emperor at the Diet of Worms.
October 23-26 Speaking twice at the Rock Solid CHESS Conference in the UK (virtual). Audio now available.
2020 -- so very many cancellation and cataclysmic changes! King Jesus firmly on his throne through it all. Tours and master class cancellations due to pandemic
June 19-29, 2020 Rome to Geneva Tour
April 2-9, 2020 Oxford Creative Writing Master Class
March 21, 2020 Writing Seminar sponsored by Summit Church, Puget Sound region, open to the public. Two key-note addresses and one breakout session. Specifics at summit-christian.org/writersworkshop
February 21-24, St. Andrew's Chapel Conservatory of Music, Sanford, Florida; keynote address on music making in the church, hymn writing, themes from God Sings!; performance and hymn-sing of New Reformation Hymns, with Chief Musician Terry Yount and members of his Conservatory staff; 4-5 messages
February 13,12:00 luncheon author talk at the Covenant Church of Olympia, WA, Paul Henden organizer
February 7-9, 2020 Hopewell Associated Reformed Church, Culleoka, TN, kickoff Reformation conference for 200th anniversary celebration of the life of this congregation.
January 3, 2020 Generations Radio 2 part interview with Kevin Swanson on new release God Sings! (And Ways We Think He Ought To); rousing discussion of ordinary means of grace versus the entertainment ethos, art music, entertainment music, and folk music--which is most conducive to congregational singing and why, among other topics discussed.
The Scriptorium, listen to my podcast
December 18, 2019 Radio interview on Janet Mefferd Today show, discussing my new release God Sings! (And Ways We Think He Ought To)
November 12, 2019 Heron's Key address on What's It Like Being an Author?
October 7-9, 2019 RUF Dallas permanent committee meeting.
September 5-6, 2019 Men's Retreat for Ascension, Trinitas, and Hope Presbyterian Churches (PCA) at Tall Timbers Ranch, WA (details forthcoming).
August, 2019 Hope Prose Podcast interview on writing historical fiction, my Crown & Covenant Trilogy, and recent 20th c historical fiction books War in the Wasteland and The Resistance.
August 19, New Geneva Podcast interview on my books Hammer of the Huguenots and The Betrayal in commemoration and memorial of the St Bartholomew's Day Massacre August 24, 1572.
June 25-July 5, 2019 England & Scotland Church History Tour.
June, 2019 Maidenbower Baptist Church, Crawley, UK (specific dates to be announced)
June, 2019 Event for homeschool families in the UK hosted by Oxford Evangelical Presbyterian Church where Bond will speak on Christ-centered Homeschooling.
June 15-22, 2019 Oxford Creative Writing Master Class, Oxford, UK.
May, 2019 Beacon Hill Academy, Camorillo, CA (details forthcoming)
May 1, 2019 Heritage Christian School chapels
April 2-9, 2019 Oxford Creative Writing Master Class, Oxford, UK
February 11, 2019 TV interview with Dr. Allan G. Hedberg, Clinical Psychologist. "Doctor, Teach Me To Parent": Why Parents are Bound to Teach Our Kids History, Or Our Kids Are Bound to Repeat History's Worst Atrocities
February 10, 2019 (4:00 pm) Highvew Bible Church, Fresno CA, exhortation from God's Word.
February 10, twice Sunday morning at The Bridge Evangelical Free Church, Fresno; "7 Biblical Reasons Every Christian Should be a History Geek."
February 9, 2019 Key-Note Speaker, Fresno Pacific University, Saturday 9:00-3:00 Third Annual Christian Writers Seminar: 15 Writing Rules I've Learned from CS Lewis (plenary), and Going On a Bear Hunt: Historical Research as a Treasure Hunt for Writing.
December 31, 2018 Generations Radio interview: storytelling, history, and filmmaking. (Listen to audio excerpt on right)
October 28, 2018 Reformation Then & Now Celebration, The Scriptorium: Luther, Calvin, Knox. All are welcome to the Bond's farm in Olalla, WA.
October 27, 2018 TheYoungWriter.com podcast interview with Jaquelle Crowe, founder COO. Aspiring writers will find YWW a great resource! (listen to audio excerpt on right)
September 15-16, 2018 Westminster Presbyterian Church, Bull Creek and Maida Vale, Perth, Australia; Sunday exhortations, and addresses on John Knox and John Calvin (topics subject to final schedule). Various addresses with Westminster Presbyterian campus ministry, writing workshop, Bible study for Wednesday prayer gathering, etc., Perth, Western Australia.
September 14, 2018 Covenant Bible Presbyterian Church, Perth
September 13, 2018 Rehoboth Christian College, four addresses on Watts, Wycliffe, Tyndale, Perth
September 11, 2018 Dale Christian Academy, high school chapel, 11th grade history class, 4th grade and the anatomy of fiction, Perth
September 7-9, 2018 Richard Lance Pike (organizing pastor), Covenant Baptist Church Family Camp, and multi-church conference, Rossmoyne, Western Australia; addresses based on Grace Works! (And Ways We Think It Doesn't), Perth
August 10-11, 2018 Word of Life International Church, Springfield, VA; Conference on the Bible and Apologetics; 3 address on Wycliffe, Tyndale, Luther's contributions to sola Scriptura and the recovery of a vernacular Bible
July 6, 2018 Interview, Generations Radio; William Tyndale on fire for the Word of God (preparatory to Family Bible Conference in DC)
June 15-25, 2018 Reformation France and Armistice 100 Tour
France. World War I & II Sites. Western Front.
Calvin's birthplace. Huguenot sites.
June 6, 2018 Book club reading The Betrayal, face time conversation and discussion in Annapolis, MD.
June 4-8, 2018 Biblical World View Student Conference (BWSC), Mulligan College, Elizabethtown, TN; five addresses on CS Lewis
April (final dates pending), Conference on the Bible, Washington DC. Wycliffe, my address on vanguard Bible translators: Tyndale, Jacques Lefevre d'Etaples, John Elliot, others.
Spring (March or early April) 2018 Mini Conference in London
Sponsored by CHESS (Christian Home Education Support Session, UK). Susanna Burgess organizing.
March 23-30 Oxford Creative Writing Master Class, space is very limited; enquire today.
February 21, 1:30-2:00 CST, 11:30-12:00 PST, Janet Mefferd Live, American Family Radio, interview on Luther in Love. Here's the link to the interview (24 minute mark): http://janetmefferd.com/podcasts/
February 7, Heritage Christian School chapel services, begins at 8:35.

Author Radio Interviews

Douglas Bond speaks at churches, conferences, schools, and special events. Contact bondbooks.net@gmail.com
December 8 CareNet Volunteer Appreciation Event, book signing, Luther in Love
3-5 pm Tacoma, WA
Ligonier audio theater, The Drama of the Reformation
Script by Douglas Bond, release event in Florida, dates pending.
November 10 LUTHER Birthday Party at the Scriptorium 7:00 at the Red House Farm;
all welcome (please RSVP)
November 5 Discovery Baptist Church, Gig Harbor, WA; Sunday morning Luther address and sermon from Psalm 46, 'Ein Feste Burg
October 30-November 2 Reformed Theology Conference
Jackson Mississippi, Pastor Michael Cannon; Singing our Theology: Psalms and Hymns, Bulwarks to Gospel Corruption; Martin Luther themed addresses.
October 27-29 Church of the Island (PCA), Savannah, GA Pastor Brad Waller, Reformation 500 Celebration.
October 24 "The Reformation was French Before it was German," podcast interview on the Huguenots (The Betrayal, The Hammer of the Huguenots) with George Alvarado and Ricky Gantz live at 6:00 pm PST
October 20-22 Church of the Open Door, Lansing, Kansas; Pastor Andy Huber, Reformation 500 Celebration.
Address to prisoners, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
October 17 Pilgrim Radio Interview with Bill Feltner on RISE & WORSHIP, my New Reformation Hymns album with Greg Wilbur's music
October 13-15 Reformation conference at Taylor Creek Church
Maple Valley, WA; Reformation themed address and sermon.
October 12 Classical Conversations, Lake Washington East Support,
Woodinville, WA--Travel as Pedagogy: Rome to Geneva 2018
October 10 REACH East guest speaker to King County east side
homeschool community, 6:30-8:30, Crossroads Bible Church,
Bellevue, Washington.
October 7-8 Pilgrim Bible Church, Reformation conference, 2 addresses
on Saturday, 2 addresses Sunday, and exhortation in morning worship.
October 3 HIS PEOPLE interview with Bill Feltner on Pilgrim Radio, Carson City, Nevada, Reformation 500 The Mighty Weakness of John Knox and compared contrasted with Martin Luther's role in Reformation.
October 2-4 Atlanta RUF permanent committee meeting.
September 29-October 1 Providence Village Baptist Church, North Central Florida, Lake Butler, Florida, Reformation Conference, Pastor Dax Summerhill.
September 18-20 Sing! Conference in Nashville (attending)
September 16-17, 2017 -- Rise & Worship NEW REFORMATION HYMNS album release event Saturday evening 7:00 pm, music and singing with composer Greg Wilbur and vocalists Nathan Clark George and Katy Snow, and instrumentalists heard on the album. Also Sunday morning at 9:45 I will be speaking "What Happens When We Stop Singing Our Theology?" at Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, Franklin, TN
August 16-19, 2017 First Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) Portland, Oregon
Keynote for Summer Family Camp.
August 06, 2017, Preaching Sunday morning, church in Anacortes, Washington.
June 29-July 6, 2017 Summer Oxford Creative Writing Master Class,
June 15-25, 2017 LUTHER 500 REFORMATION TOUR
May 20, 4:00-6:00 Luther in Love book signing and release event, The Scriptorium,
refreshments provided by The Red House Farm; joint book release with author Alisa Weis
and her debut novel Swiftwater.
May 17, 2:00 The Children's Center, OKC; author visit and reading of God's Servant Job.
May 16, 4:30 Mini-conference, Drumright, OK; Monday writing workshop 4:00, potluck dinner fellowship time, evening address Reformation Romance, What the modern world needs to glean from the uncommon union of Martin Luther "his Lord Katie", his rib, his beloved Kette.
May 15 Northwest Bible Church, Oklahoma City, pastor Alan Conner, Sunday School and morning worship: How to be the Greatest Mother in the World, Matthew 20:20-28.
April 27-29 Christian Heritage Home Educators (CHHE) conference, Overlake Christian Center, Redmond, WA.
Four addresses:
1. Paul Revere Of Puget Sound: The Christian Family in the PNW Indian Wars (1855-56)
2. How Much Is A Trillion Dollars? Why We Must Teach Real World Economics to Our Children
3. Hammer of the Huguenots: The Reformation Was French Before It Was German
4. Reformation Roadtrip: Follow Martin Luther throughout the significant places in his life.
April 1-8, 2017 Spring Oxford Creative Writing Master Class
March 31 Speaking at UK home educators gathering at Honor Oak Christian Fellowship Centre, London, England, http://www.hocfc.co.uk/welcome.htm.
March 15 Chapel speaker at Heritage Christian School
March 6-8 Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) permanent
committee meeting, Atlanta, GA
February 13 Word and Sacrament podcast interview

Writing seminar at Mt. Rainier Lutheran High School, November 30.
CS LEWIS' 118th Birthday celebration, The Scriptorium, Red House Farm,
November 29.
Key-note address at the FICTION FESTIVAL, Evangel Classical School, Politics and the Pen; 2 Hours With a King: Shakespeare to James I in Macbeth; Solzhenitsyn and the Book that Changed the 20th Century. Marysville, WA. October 22.
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) permanent committee meeting, Atlanta, October 2-4.
NEW REFORMATION HYMNS album introduction and Hymn Sing with Greg Wilbur.
Music Symposium round-table discussion and Q&A with composer Greg Wilbur and world-class tenor Ross Hauk, ACM Conference, Tacoma, WA. October 1.
The Bible and Church History and Church Unity: Gleanings from GRACE WORKS;
Heritage Bible Church, Family Days Weekend. Rainier, OR. July 23-24.
Book signing, OCEAN Conference, Portland, OR, July 22-23.
Book signing at Family Christian Books in village of Ossett near Durham. July 9, 2016.
Ligonier West Coast Conference speaker, The Drama of the Reformation: Luther the Hussite. Redmond, WA. June.
May 10, Podcast with Servants of Grace: author interview on GRACE WORKS! And Ways We Think It Doesn't (P&R 2014) May 10.
Chapel speaker, Heritage Christian School, May 4.
Christian Heritage Home Educators Conference speaker, Redmond, WA; April 27-29.
Podcast with Servants of Grace: author interview on THE POETIC WONDER OF ISAAC WATTS (RT, 2013) April 26.
Podcast with Servants of Grace: author interview on THE MIGHTY WEAKNESS OF JOHN KNOX (RT, 2012) April 21.
Reformation/Anabaptist Tour for Evangel University, Springfield, Missouri history department.
OXFORD CREATIVE WRITING MASTER CLASS, on-location in Oxford. March 30-April 6.
BUNYAN CREATIVE WRITING CONTEST webinar tutorial, sponsored by Generations Radio and P&R Publishing. March 22.
The Great Commission and the Real (St) Patrick, chapel message. Kitsap Homeschool Cooperative: Christ the Rock Church. March 17.
RUF permanent GA committee meeting, Atlanta, GA. March 14-15.
Janet Mefferd Radio Show interview: GRACE WORKS! (And Ways We Think It Doesn't). March 2.
Optimist Club Breakfast guest speaker. I was then presented with their "Teacher of the Year" award for 2015, following the PNW and British Columbia High School Essay Writing Contest in which my writing students swept the awards. Narrows Glen.
"Why Christians Must Know Their History": Waldo, Bunyan, Spurgeon”. Church History Sunday, South Side Baptist Church, Tacoma, WA
Podcast interview with Colin Gunn Productions, on my two books on JOHN KNOX, paired in a gift bundle with their documentary Scotland's Controversial Reformer.
Generations Radio, interview with Kevin Swanson about my book HAMMER OF THE HUGUENOTS, December 9 https://generationswithvision.com/
"Thy Kingdom Come," chapel message at Lighthouse Christian School, Gig Harbor WA. December 2.
Reformation Conference and Lord's Day sermon, Bible Church of Little Rock Arkansas, October 30, 31, Nov 1.
Church History Conference speaker, Westminster Presbyterian Church (PCA) Vancouver, WA. October 23-25.
Pilgrim Bible Autumn Church History Conference speaker, Steilacoom, WA. October 16-18.
Church History and Training our Sons for Christian Manhood, Nebraska.
"Telling Truth With Fiction": Key-note address, FICTION FESTIVAL, Evangel Classical School, Marysville, WA. September 26.
Bring on the Tyrants! Daniel's God Reigns, Sunday morning sermon, Oberlin Congregational Church, Steilacoom WA. August 9.
Christian Heritage Home Educators Conference, Redmond, Washington. April 24-25.
BE THOU MY VISION RADIO feature author interview. January 24.
Author-featured in French newspaper, Le Midi Libre, on forthcoming HAMMER OF THE HUGUENOTS, written on location in France (2013). January 18.
Knowing the Truth Radio, live interview with Kevin Boling on my EP biography GIROLAMO SAVONAROLA. Greenville, SC. January 6.
Pilgrim Radio Radio Interview, January 6, with Bill Feltner on GIROLAMO SAVONAROLA.
Regional-author speaker, 50th Anniversary College Women, Spokane Washington, December 5.
Wycliffe, Huss, Savonarola, John Knox part 1; Knox part 2; and Sunday worship sermon: "How Paul Solves the Worship Wars," Church History mini-Conference, Pilgrim Bible Church.
Calvin, Despotic Maniac? and Calvin, Devoted Minister; Knox the Nobody and Knox’s Mighty Weakness; and Psalmody/Hymnody of the Reformation: Why Monarchy Beats Democracy. Reformation Conference, Covenant
Presbyterian Church (PCA), Denver, CO. November 7-9. prt 1 Despotic Maniac?, prt 2 Devoted Minister; prt 1 Knox the Nobody, prt 2 Knox's Mighty Weakness; Why Monarchy Beats Democracy, Psalm 93
Huguenot Heroes and Heroines: Key-note conference speaker, Providence Presbyterian Church, Peoria, IL. October 17-19.
Knox the Nobody and Knox and the Scots Confession and Knox on Predestination and Prayer. Sunday Morning sermon: Hope for the Tempest-Tossed. Fall Conference on John Knox for his quincentenary 1514-2014;. Cross Creek PCA church, Fayetteville, NC. October 3-5. Knox the Nobody 1; Knox the Nobody 2; Knox and the Scots Confession; Knox on Predestination and Prayer; Hope for the Tempest Tossed, Psalm 107.
Kevin Swanson, Generation Radio on Reformation Conference at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Denver, and my two volumes on JOHN KNOX) September 30. Radio interview; Generationradio.com
Radio interview on my book GRACE WORKS (And Ways We Think It Doesn't) with Bill Feltner, Pilgrim Radio (Listen to archived interview); pilgrimradio.com.
Salem Radio Network live interview on my new release GRACE WORKS (And Ways We Think It Doesn't), with Janet Mefferd on the nationally syndicated daily talk program, The Janet Mefferd Show. August 18. Listen in archive here
Writing Adventure Fiction: Veritas Press video interview Dr. Michael Collender, August 12.
Knox at 500 Scotland and England Tour, June 24-July 4.
Ligonier West Coast Conference, speaking on my new book, THE POETIC WONDER OF ISAAC WATTS. Seattle, WA. Friday June 6. Watch/listen here.
"Knowing the Truth" live radio interview with Kevin Boling, on GRACE WORKS (And Ways We Think It Doesn't). May 29. Listen here. Or here.
"Knowing the Truth" live radio interview with Kevin Boling on THE POETIC WONDER OF ISAAC WATTS, May 20. Listen here. Or here.
Published Works Panel Q&A on writing and being published: Northwest University, Kirkland, WA. April 15.
Radio interview with Calvin Lindstrom and Mike McHugh, Christian Liberty Press, interview on the Mr. Pipes series on Christian hymnody. April 11.
CHS church history tour co-leader in UK and NORMANDY; March 24-April 8, 2014. See highlights here.
Redeemed Reader podcast interview, World Magazine's Janie Cheaney jbcheaney.com; interview on Duncan's War the movie. February.
Pilgrim Radio interview on The Poetic Wonder of Isaac Watts with Bill Feltner, Western Inspirational Broadcasters, Inc., February. Listen
Salem Radio Network with Janet Mefferd interviewing me about my biography, The Poetic Wonder of Isaac Watts; [DB & JM Interview file] on The Janet Mefferd Show. January 2.
2013-2000 [Various speaking venues]