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(Read my blog post on the writing of this hymn on the fear of God, and follow my blog) 

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Proverbs 9:10


How blessed the man who fears the Lord!

Who daily feeds upon his Word,

And falls down at the mercy seat,

And casts his fears at Jesus’ feet.


How blessed is she who fears the Lord! 

Delighting, trusting in his Word:

She fears no danger, threat, or harm

While resting safe in Jesus’ arms.


How blessed are sons who fear the Lord!

Who hear and heed the Spirit’s Word.

No tyrant’s heel can hurt them here

Since they the Sovereign Lord revere.


How blessed when daughters fear the Lord!

And love God’s ways, his holy Word.

Disease and dying hold no fear

Since Christ who conquered death is near.


How blessed the home that fears the Lord!

Adoring the incarnate Word;

Like cherubim and seraphim,

In humble awe, God's praises hymn.


How blessed the church that fears the Lord!

Her Savior’s work, her sure reward;                               

With wondrous voice, high praise repeats,

And bows in awe at Jesus’ feet.

          Douglas Bond, copyright, December 28, 2017

Alternate version:

How blessed the one who fears the Lord!

Who daily feeds upon his Word,

And falls down at the mercy seat,

And casts his cares at Jesus’ feet.


How blessed the one who fears the Lord!

Delighting, trusting in his Word:

True knowledge comes with reverent fear;

Pure Wisdom comes when God appears.


How blessed the one who fears the Lord!

Who hears and heeds the Spirit’s Word.

No tyrant’s might can hurt him here

While he the Sovereign Lord reveres.


How blessed the one who fears the Lord!

Who loves God’s ways, his holy Word.

Disease and death he need not fear—

His ever-living Lord is near.


How blessed the one who fears the Lord!

Adoring the incarnate Word;

Like cherubim and seraphim,

In humble awe, God's praises hymn.


How blessed the one who fears the Lord!

His Savior’s work his sure reward;                              

With reverent heart, high praise repeats,

And bows in awe at Jesus’ feet.

          Douglas Bond, copyright 2017

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Douglas Bond is author of more than thirty books of historical fiction, biography, devotion, and practical theology.


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