His Name Above the Highest Name
“Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11
His Name above the highest Name:
With hymns we hail the loud refrain,
Majestic Name of God proclaim,
Of Jesus, Lord, for sinners slain!
The Lord, Most High, the great I Am,
The Father has the Son ordained
To ransom children he has named
As heir of his eternal reign.
The Lamb of God, his worthy Name,
In him our restless souls find rest,
His chosen loved ones he reclaimed,
From all eternity the blessed.
The Shepherd seeks his flock to save,
To rescue them from sin and shame,
Stoops down and lifts me from the grave,
And calls me by his powerful Name.
My name’s inscribed upon his hands,
His nail-pierced hands atonement made;
My Lord’s fulfilled his Laws demands,
And with his Life my debt has paid.
One day, the doomed will bow the knee,
Their rebel tongues confess with shame,
As gnashing to the mountains flee
The terrible glory of the Name.
O, how majestic is your Name!
We shout your worth—in all the earth—
With joyful hymns—our hearts aflame—
With glorious splendor of the Name!
Douglas Bond, © 2019