My Soul Exults In God the Lord
“I will greatly rejoice in the Lord; my soul shall exult in my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness…” Isaiah 61:10
My soul exults in God the Lord,
The Light arising, radiant Word!
The wealth of nations Yahweh brings
And clothes his children like we’re kings.
My heart exults in God the Lord,
Redeemer, Savior, glorious Word!
He binds the broken-hearted's sores
And bursts the captive's prison doors.
My soul exults in Christ the Lord,
Eternal God, majestic Word!
The oil of gladness on their head,
The mourning poor are richly fed.
My heart exults in God the Lord,
Subduing King, the faithful Word!
The least becomes a mighty clan,
The branch and planting of God’s hand.
My soul exults in Christ the Lord,
Our Bridegroom Jesus, Righteous Word!
You clothe your bride in beauty’s dress,
The robes of your own righteousness.
My heart is thrilled with God the Lord,
My Comfort, King, and Conquering Word!
Your open gates rich love displays,
Salvation’s walls resound with praise!
Douglas Bond, August 27, 2016