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We Rise and Worship

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” Psalm 34:8

We rise and worship you, our Lord,

            With grateful hearts for grace outpoured,

For you are good—O taste and see—

            Great God of mercy rich and free. 


A chosen son of God on high,           

            I trembling bow and wonder why

This Sovereign Lord—O taste and see—

            In love stooped down and rescued me.


Your Son obeyed the Law for me,

            Then died my death upon the tree.

O Jesus Christ, I taste and see

            And marvel that you purchased me.


In might, your Spirit drew me in,

            My quickened heart from death to win.

O Holy Spirit—taste and see—

           My comfort, hope, and surety.


With thankful praise our hearts we give;

            By grace alone we serve and live.

O Trinity, we taste and see

            Your sovereign goodness full and free.


Douglas Bond, Copyright, November 19, 2007

We Rise and Worship (Long Meter, LM,




I was asked by my friend and PCA minister, Rick DeMass, to work on a new hymn appropriate to a Thanksgiving service. My initial reaction was that I'm not a performing animal who can crank out poetry on cue. But then I began going through passages on Thanksgiving (there's heaps--a rich blessing in itself), until I came to Psalm 34, my father's favorite Psalm during his terminal illness. "O, taste and see that the Lord is good," struck me afresh, and the Eucharistic, Lord's Supper allusions and implications thrilled me. Just days before the Thanksgiving service that Rick wanted the hymn for I managed to produce the following. It seems to me that the hymn is not restricted to once a year Thanksgiving service use. Listen to two different versions specifically composed for this text.




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Douglas Bond is author of more than thirty books of historical fiction, biography, devotion, and practical theology.


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