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Come Bless the Lord

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“I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple.”

Isaiah 6:1


Come, bless the Lord and trembling rise


Before the Sovereign of the skies;

Before his majesty now raise

Adoring hymns of grateful praise!


Bow humbly down, your sins confess;

Pour out your soul, on mercy rest.

Since Christ triumphant bears your woe,

Repent, his cleansing mercy know.


Rise joyful now and Jesus bless

For his imputed righteousness,

His sovereign kindness, lavished grace,

His freely dying in your place.


Pay all your vows and cheerful bring

The gifts he gave; give back to him.

His gifts, so vast, his life outpoured—

Ourselves we lay before you, Lord.


Come, Word of Life, yourself reveal;

Your truth make us to know and feel;

Inflame our minds to love your ways;

Make us a sacrifice of praise.


Come, Jesus Christ, sweet heav’nly Bread,

And with your life this table spread,

Then grateful we will solemn dine

On hallowed bread and sacred wine.


Now go into the world in peace,

And bear the burdens of the least,

And bathe your neighbors’ feet in love,

So Christ they’ll know and praise above.


Douglas Bond, Copyright, June 4, 2008   music

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Douglas Bond is author of more than thirty books of historical fiction, biography, devotion, and practical theology.


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