Douglas Bond is award-winning author of more than thirty books of historical fiction, biography, devotion, and practical theology, including several books now in Dutch, Portuguese, Romanian, and Korean. Two-book Grace Award finalist (The Revolt and The Battle of Seattle, 2016), Bond is director of the Oxford Creative Writing Master Class, has served as adjunct instructor in church history and creative writing at three institutions of higher learning, and leads Church history tours in Europe. He is father of six children and eleven (and counting) grandchildren. He also serves as a copy editor for individual authors and publishing houses.
Along with the Oxford Creative Writing Master Class, his church history tours can be taken for university level credit at New College Franklin. Bond has earned a Masters in Teaching (MIT) from St Martin's University, and a Preliminary Certificate in Theology from Moore Theological College, NSW Australia.
He has taught English and history for many years, and was awarded by the Pierce County Library Foundation and Arts Commission the "2005 Teacher Award" for teaching young adults how to write; his high-school-aged writers have consistently dominated local and regional writing contests, including a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place sweep of the three-state and British Columbia Optimist 2015 essay writing contest, for which the Optimist Club awarded Bond the 2015 "Teacher of the Year." As an outgrowth of his extensive teaching and writing, Bond is sometimes available to do copy editing for individual authors and publishing houses, and he frequently speaks on writing at various conferences. Additionally, Bond has ministered overseas in the United Kingdom, Western Australia, Peru, the Kingdom of Tonga, and with Equipping Leaders International (ELI) in Uganda.
He has served on the advisory board of Glorious Films (Montreal) with Derek Thomas, Michael Haykin, and others (2014). For the Psalms Project (2009), funded by the Lilly Foundation, Bond was selected to be a speaker at Union University and to contribute a chapter to the book Forgotten Songs. As a hymn writer and author of several books on hymn writers and hymnody, Bond was asked to be a consultant for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's (CBC) special feature series on Christian hymns, God's Greatest Hits (2012). His NEW REFORMATION HYMNS album with Greg Wilbur and Nathan Clarke George released in 2017; a growing number of his hymns are being sung in churches and at conferences, and being included in new hymnals (Cantus Christi, 2020; Treasury of Psalms and Hymns, 2022).
Bond has served as a ruling elder in the PCA, and in 2015 was elected to serve the permanent committee which oversees the campus ministry of Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) in Atlanta, GA; during his tenure on the committee, Bond served in 2019 on the search committee for the new coordinator for the ministry.
As an outgrowth of his books and teaching, Bond has led Church history tours in Europe since 1996, and has also been consulted on a history documentary film on the Reformation. Meridian Filmworks has been in negotiation with Bond’s publisher to create a major motion picture of his Scottish Covenanter signature novel Duncan’s War.
Frequently interviewed on Christian radio stations and podcasts, Bond was featured in French newspaper Le Midi Libre (1/18/2015) on his book HAMMER OF THE HUGUENOTS, researched and written on-location in France. Additionally, Bond's articles on Church history and theology have appeared in various print and online magazines, including Modern Reformation, Table Talk, byFaith (author interview), WRS Journal, Light and Life, Mere Beauty, and the Aquila Report. A longtime builder and renovator of old houses, Bond is also featured writer for The New Build House website. In addition to leading Church history tours, Bond often lectures at conferences on literature and Church history, including speaking at several Ligonier Conferences. He is scriptwriter for Ligonier's podcast/radio drama Luther In Real Time, that traces Luther week-by-week from October 10, 1520 to his trial before Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms on April 18, 1521; the podcast is in celebration of Luther's great stand 500 years ago (1521-2021), and is available at iTunes and wherever podcasts are accessed. LUTHER IN REAL TIME was awarded Most Original Podcaste, by the National Religious Broadcast (NRB) convention in 2023.